Investigating Hyperspectral-based Algorithms /images/placeholder.svg 1

Texas A&M University | Investigating Hyperspectral-based Algorithms

Image ProcessingAlgorithmsHyperspectral Imaging

AM Receiver Circuit /images/placeholder.svg 1

Texas A&M University | AM Receiver Circuit

ElectronicsCircuit DesignAM Receiver

Aggie Nightlight /images/placeholder.svg 1

Texas A&M University | Aggie Nightlight

ARM AssemblyMicrocontroller Architecture

Pathfinding Robot /images/placeholder.svg 1

Texas A&M University | Pathfinding Robot

RoboticsDigital Logic DesignPathfinding


I'm an Electrical Engineering Student at Texas A&M University with minors in Cybersecurity and Project Management.

I have always been fascinated by the intersection of technology and creativity. From a young age, I enjoyed tinkering with gadgets and building small projects. My passion for engineering led me to Texas A&M University, where I am currently pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering.

During the summer of 2024, I had the opportunity to work as a Product Engineer intern at Texas Instruments in Dallas, Texas. In this role, I conducted design qualification tests (HTOL and bHAST) and implemented assembly changes to reduce costs and maintain competitiveness. I also coordinated with various departments, including test, validation, design, and systems, to ensure a smooth product release.

Additionally, I am currently working as a Teaching Assistant for the Semi-Conductor Test Engineering course at Texas A&M University. My responsibilities include assisting students with laboratory procedures and safety training, evaluating their understanding through grading lab reports and assignments, and collaborating with TI Professionals on Cyclotron Tests.